Elementary Dismissal

Elementary Dismissal Procedure

Parents/guardians picking up elementary students at the end of the day should follow the following procedure:

  • Please wait in the High School/Middle School parking lot until the last bus has arrived.
  • Proceed to the Elementary parking lot.
    • PLEASE do not double park or park in the circle drive!
  • After all buses have left the Elementary grounds, you may proceed to the office to sign your child out.
  • You will be required to present a photo ID.
  • Students will not be released between 3:05 PM and 3:30 PM to ensure the safety of the students riding buses.
  • Buses begin loading at 3:20 PM.


Guidelines for students who are picked up at the end of every school day...

  • Parents/guardians will follow the above procedure.
  • A permission form must be signed at the beginning of the school year stating that there will be no deviation from the end-of-day release.
  • Only individuals listed on the every-day dismissal permission form will be permitted to sign the student out at the end of the day.
    • A note to the office is required for students being picked up by another individual.
    • Photo identification is required.