Onboarding Documents
More Details about onboarding documents required for employment:
I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification
*When you complete this form, please bring an original document that established identify (such as a driver's license) along with an original document that establishes employment authorization (such as a Social Security card). A U.S. Passport does both. A complete list can be found on page 3 of this document.
Physical/TB Form
*The Pennsylvania Public School Code, Section 1418(b) requires that school personnel be tested for TB. School personnel to be tested include employees and independent contractors who provide direct services to students on behalf of a school, including but not limited to teachers, nurses, administrators, physicians, dentists, dental hygienists, custodians, janitors, cooks, cafeteria workers, bus drivers, librarians, psychologists, audiologists and counselors, and student teachers and volunteers. The Department of Health defines "direct services" as those persons in direct contact with students 10 or more hours/week. The law does not contain a provision to allow modifications for school staff/volunteers. They must be tested "prior to working for the school."
The tuberculin test shall be performed by the school physician, or by a physician of the employee's choice. The person shall provide to the school a form that shows the TB test was administered within three months prior to the data the school receives the form. School personnel who have a documented nonsignificant tuberculin test are not required to have further tests unless they are exposed to a case of active TB or are directed otherwise by the Secretary of Health to have an additional test.
Both documents will be requested via the electronic link sent to you from HR once you progress into the hiring process.