Business Office » District Financial Data

District Financial Data

Audit Information
In order to maintain accountability with taxpayers, and to provide current financial performance data to banks and bondholders, the Pennsylvania school code law requires that every Pennsylvania school district must be audited annually by independent certified public accounting firms (cpas).
The A-RSD Annual Audit report for the most recent audit year is provided in the document container below.  Apollo-Ridge School District has received an unqualifed (clean) audit opinion from its auditors for each of its operating years, and there are no "reportable conditions".
Annual Financial Reports (AFR)
All Pennsylvania School Districts are required to file an "Annual Financial Report", or AFR, on the PDE mandated reporting form PDE-2057.  The AFR is an expanded version of the audit report, and it provides more detailed information about line item revenues, taxes, funding sources, and costs by subfunction and object codes. It is normally filed with PDE by October 31st, annually, unless an extension is requested.
Starting with the fiscal year July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011 the AFR was substantially modified to reflect "fund level only" financial schedules. The AFR now excludes the "government-wide, (full accrual)" financial statements that are part of the audit report, and it includes a number of supplemental schedules to assist PDE in calculating instructional expense, tuition cost, and data for Act 1 referendum exceptions (special education cost, qualifying debt service and state retirement system net employer costs).
The most recently filed AFR, audited statements and General Fund Budget are provided in the document container below.
ARP ESSER 7% Set-Aside Grant Details